I take great pride in the grades that I achieved in both School and College as I worked very hard to attain them. Finishing School and College with the grades that I wanted definitely prepared me for the outside world and got me to where I am now!
Brockenhurst College (September 2015 - July 2017)
During my time at Brockenhurst College, I studied a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Computing. The course itself was 2 years and consisted of 17 units.
I walked away from Brockenhurst College with D*D*D* and was honoured to have been awarded the 2017 Computer Science and IT Student of the Year. From the 17 Units that I covered in this course, I knew that Web Development was something that I wanted to further pursue.
Unit | Achieved | |
Communication and Employability Skills for IT | Distinction | |
Computer Systems | Distinction | |
Information Systems | Distinction | |
e-Commerce | Distinction | |
Systems Analysis and Design | Distinction | |
Procedural Programming | Distinction | |
Client Side Customisation of Web Pages | Distinction | |
Website Production | Distinction | |
CCNA Fundamentals of Networking | Distinction | |
Event Drive Programming | Distinction | |
Object Orientated Programming | Distinction | |
Database Design | Distinction | |
Controlling Computer Systems Using IT | Distinction | |
Web Server Scripting | Distinction | |
Spreadsheet Modelling | Distinction | |
CCNA Routers and Routing Protocols | Distinction | |
CCNA LAN Switching and Wireless | Distinction |

Secondary School
Applemore College (September 2010 - July 2015)
After finishing Primary School at Marchwood Junior School I then went on the Secondary School. I walked away from Applemore with 15 GCSE's, gaining a qualification for every subject/exam that I took.
During my time at Secondary School I was also selected to be a Senior Prefect and a Sports Young Leader. Both of these roles included lots of responsibilities which helped me develop the qualities that I can now use in the real world.
Subject | Achieved | |
English Language | B | |
English Literature | B | |
Mathematics | C | |
Art and Design | C | |
Food Technology | A | |
French | C | |
Geography | B | |
ICT | A | |
BTEC Sport | Merit | |
Philosophy and Ethics | B | |
Science | B | |
Additional Science | B | |
Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Level 2 | Pass | |
Statistics | C | |
FCSE French | Distinction |